Monday, June 27, 2011 - Exuma had a low voter turnout due to inclement weather - Exuma had a low voter turnout due to inclement weather

Exuma, The Bahamas – Low voter turnout in Exuma, the Exuma Cays and Ragged Island was a cause of concern for local government and parliamentary registrar officials, while conducting the June 23 elections in the nation’s fourth heavily populated district.

“The poll workers were dispatched to the polls at 7 o’clock this morning. They did their pre-balloting at 7:30 and the polls opened at 8 a.m. So far, I have inspected all of the polling divisions and the process has been going along pretty smoothly,” said Ivan Ferguson, senior deputy administrator of the Exumas, and Ragged Island.

“I have had no complaints at all and I anticipate no complaints before the poll closes at 6 p.m. this afternoon.”

The slow early morning response for local government supporters was attributed to inclement weather, but was expected to pick up as the weather cleared.

“We have had inclement weather this morning and I believe that may have affected the turn out today,” said Mr. Ferguson.

“The inclement weather began at about 5:30 this morning and never stopped or subsided until about quarter to 8 and that may have affected the turn out. But it’s sunny now and I believe you will see more people at the polls to vote.”

Exumians seem to be content with their local representatives and have not challenged candidates in the five areas.

“The elections here have been somewhat low-keyed. There seems to have been very little interest in voting in certain polling divisions,” said Mr. Ferguson.

“In Exuma, there has been uncontested polling divisions in five areas and so, that is an indication of the lacklustre support that we have had for local government elections in this district.”

Exumians had brief concerns about which register would be used for the local government elections, however officials quickly established that the current register was ready to be used for this election. The new voter cards would not be distributed until the close of the local government elections to avoid confusion.

“At the outset, concerns were raised about the register that would have been used during this election. There seems to have been some confusion about the register that would have been used. But that was clarified,” said Mr. Ferguson.

“They were told that they can vote on the current register because two registers cannot be enforced at the same time. And, the new voter cards cannot be distributed at this time, while the current register is still in force, it was corrected.”

Exuma’s local government officials are pleased with the decision handed down by the central government during the 2011 Budget Communication. They are committed to adhering to transparency and accountability measures of public funds, imposed by central government.

“The local government practitioners have no choice but to follow the lead as it relates to expenditure of public funds. We’ve always expressed the importance of transparency and accountability,” said Mr. Ferguson.

“As the principle financial officer for local government, I shall insist on transparency and accountability, as it relates to the expenditure of public funds.”

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